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Criminal (2016)

Score: 6/10

Director: Ariel Vromen

Stars: Gal Gadot, Kevin Costner, Ryan Reynolds, Gary Oldman, Michael Pitt, Jordi Mollà, Tommy Lee Jones.

Criminal (2016) movie poster.


Gal Gadot

Synopsis: An undercover agent accepts a dangerous mission where he must reach his target, a programmer before an enemy of the state reaches him first.

Review: An undercover agent named Bill Pope ( Ryan Reynolds ) is given a mission to find a nation-state level hacker named Jan Strook - The Dutchman ( Michael Pitt ), make a deal with him in order to obtain a piece of malicious software the hacker has created, and get him to safety from the nefarious blackhats hunting him down.

Gal Gadot as Jill Pope.

Jill Pope

Gal Gadot

One of the most beautiful, enchanting, talented, and charming women to ever walk the earth is without a doubt Gal Gadot. She does her job well in this film. I don’t think the writing in this movie really makes as much sense as the writers thought it would. Some scenes with her in it have dialog that is a so unrealistic that it feels like its getting in the way of Gal Gadot’s natural acting talent. Ryan Reynolds was in another film where he was playing a secret agent in the film Safe House (2012) with Denzel Washington. The roles are very similar but in this movie Ryan Reynolds character is less of a rookie. Gary Oldman’s character reminds me of Walter Burke ( Al Pacino ) from the movie The Recruit (2003) with Colin Farrell, but Oldman’s characters is mentally all over the place. I understand that the situation is grim, being a matter of national security but the insane way he acts comes off as unintentional hilarious. I guess the character skipped his meds that day. There is something very similar about Kevin Costner’s character “Jerico Stewart” and Cable ( Josh Brolin ) from Deadpool 2 (2018). Its funny to see Kevin Costner play such a roughian when he was supposed to be a heart throb earlier in his career. He does well here in this film. Michael Pitt plays another world class hacker much like his role as Kuze in the film Ghost in the Shell (2017). The two roles mirror each other, one of the characters is a human while the other is a cyborg. He actually makes this role work. Tommy Lee Jones plays the exact same character in every film he is in. These films must be an easy pay check for him since he doesn’t seem to do anything deferent. I can’t even list how many films he acts the same in. Just IMDB his name and look at the whole list of movies.

Kevin Costner as Jerico Stewart.

Jerico Stewart

Kevin Costner

This film barrows a lot from so many deferent action movies. The only philosophical concept that’s even worth talking about is the fact that this film focuses on the ideas of bid action films in general. I really don’t like action movies very much. Its not the action its self, it’s the illogical way the movies are made. The film Collide (2016) is a good example of a bad action movie. Invincible protagonists that are never in any real danger, the action guy running around dodging bullets while holding the hand of a female sidekick, he murders the main villain in cold blood (something that under most circumstances would land him in prison for the rest of his life), and then kisses the female sidekick at the end of the film without any indication that she was interested in him aka sexual assault. These films are copy and paste, Steven Seagal, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chuck Norris, Jean-Claude Van Damme, etc. Quite literally that exact same crap rehashed over and over again, decade after decade.

Ryan Reynolds as Bill Pope.

Bill Pope

Ryan Reynolds

The cinematography is well done. I have to give the director credit for NOT having the camera person shake the camera all over the place like he is in desperate need of mental help ( Shaky cam action scenes ). The lighting works well for this kind of film. The wardrobe, set dressing, and backgrounds are well done. This movie is a little too close to the film Face/Off (1997), which makes it very predictable. What’s funny is all of the “deals” that are being made all throughout the film. Being a rehash of the Face/Off (1997) movie, this film has inherited all of its flaws. The movie is anything but boring. Action is all over the place and the story is always being pushed forward. This is a movie that knows how ridicules it is and goes all out. This is great because if you want to see a big budget Hollywood action flick than this is a decent choice. Again, I have seen worse films such as Collide (2016) where the plot armor is at a completely ridicules level. Here the film at least makes you feel as though there is a sense of danger and that a character that you like can die. As for Gal Gadot, I think Wonder Woman (2017) was better film since she has a much more active role with more versatility. As for this film, its alright for an action movie, just slightly better than the average action movie.

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