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Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)

Score: 5/10

Director: Rupert Sanders

Stars: Charlize Theron, Kristen Stewart, Chris Hemsworth.

Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) movie poster.

Snow White and

the Huntsman

Synopsis: Snow white is imprisoned by the evil queen Ravenna who’s evil power poisons the land.

Review: Snow White’s father the King, is fooled into a war with an army of darkness. After his victory on the battlefield, he comes across Ravenna, an evil witch who charms the King with her innocent looks. He brings her onto his castle to marry her and like a Trojan horse, she opens the gates from inside the castle which allows the army of darkness to take over the Kings castle. Snow White is capture and imprisoned in a tower.

Charlize Theron as Ravenna.


Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron definitely carries this movie. This is an example of the villain making the story work. Without Charlize Theron, this movie would be worse than it already is. I am a huge Kristen Stewart fan but her performance in this movie was horrible, especially when she gives a short “compiling” speech. I have seen her do way better. She has done more compelling work in the film Camp X-Ray (2014) when she convinces a detainee not to kill himself. Here in this film, her fake British accent gets in the way of the audiance taking her speech seriously. Chris Hemsworth is basically drunk Thor. He really does have limits in his acting ability. His movie Blackhat (2015) his not only the worst hacker film I have ever seen in my life, but his worst performance ever. Being an overgrown warrior who swings hammers, axes, and swords is unfortunately his only real talent besides his physique.

Snow White and the Huntsman has beautiful cinematics.



The film focuses on the concept of duality. The ever constant battle between the light and the dark. The intention of the royal figures are manifested in the magical world they are set in. Snow White brings life and Ravenna brings death. These kind of stories are very simplistic and are really designed for kids rather than adults. Sadly Star Wars boys who have criticized the film Star Wars The Last Jedi (2018) would like simple stories of good versus evil because this film lacks in any kind of complexity, maybe. Once they see that a female is the main protagonist they would attack the film based solely on the current political atmosphere at the time if the article. Simple stories like this movie are great for kids, I’ll leave it at that.

Snow White and the Huntsman is a passable movie.



The cinematography is well done. The backgrounds, set dressing, wardrobe, and lighting are all very high quality. This is of course a movie that pulls heavily from the Tolkiens’s universe. Unfortunately this all seems very familiar and not really creative at all. Honestly the third act is one of the worst I have ever seen in a film. It reminds me of Dune (1984) where a young person of a royal house is attacked, he or she runs away to a distant land, they are just handed the keys of the kingdom, they revolt against the evil usurper, take back power, and live happily ever after. Merlin, Camelot, Eragon (2006), Star Wars Episode 4 A New Hope are all takes on the King Arthur story making it extremely predictable. Some are done way better than others. As for this film, its wachable most of the time only because of the veteran acting skills and talent of Charlize Theron. The film is just passable.

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