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Tamsin Egerton

Character: Guinevere

Tamsin Egerton as Guinevere.


Tamsin Egerton

She doesn’t seem to make up her mind very easily. Other women in the castle have to tell her to stay faithful to her husband. She tries to make Camelot better by helping and organizing the castle along side King Arthur. At one point she says she would rather fight with a sword in her hand than allow her self to be victimized. That’s a very historically accurate reason why a lot of women in history fought in battle.



Tamsin Egerton!

Guinevere offers advice to King Arthur by helping him make important decisions regarding the law and how the people of Arthur’s land should be treated. Guinevere her self does not seem to have all of her ethics and morals in check. She can be gullible at times leaving her easily manipulated. She wants to be a better person and improve her self but this requires her to have discipline that she must learn in order to do so.

Katie McGrath.

Good Job!

Tamsin Egerton!

Tamsin Egarton does a good job as Guinevere. The character she plays is complex and definitely requires some range in order to make this character work. Well done!

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