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Suicide Squad (2016)

Score: 8/10

Director: David Ayer

Stars: Margot Robbie, Will Smith, Jared Leto, Ben Affleck, Viola Davis.

Suicide Squad cover art

Suicide Squad

Margot Robbie

Synopsis: A secret government agency recruits some of the most dangerous locked-up villains to form a defensive task force who’s mission is to save the world.

Review: So here is a really bad idea. Lets take a whole bunch of villains and put them together as a team, all the while hoping that we have enough security and tricks so that they don’t become allies and escape. Lets also hope they don’t become their own evil team that tries to take over the world on top of the villainess and her evil brother that have already escaped and is trying to take over the world at the same time. Yes this is a bad idea but a good and very entertaining movie.

India Eisley as Eve the Hybrid.


Psycho Edition

Margot Robbie is absolutely perfect as Harley Quinn. I remember when the studio first publicly announced that Margot Robbie, the girl from the movie The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) would be playing Harley Quinn, I thought that she has the personality and talent to make the character work. Perfection is the one word that comes to mind when I think of her role in this film. Great job! Will Smith, does a great job at building this character up. I found Deadshot to be more of a leader and a driving force in the film. He says that he does not feel or have ever been in love but you can see that he cares for his daughter so much. It seems like if Deadshot had made better choices and had a different life that maybe he would be a good guy ‘maybe‘, but on the other hand, he has no problem killing people which makes you wonder about his psychology and mental health. Like with the most popular hit men in cinema, ‘no women, no kids‘. Jared Leto is passable as the Joker. You can tell this Joker is far more vulnerable with Harley around than the Heath Ledger version. Its very interesting to see him when he cares about someone, even when he does not want to admit it. It adds a challenge to the character. Instead of forcing someone like Batman to make a decision, he has to make the decisions. He is forced to make difficult choices in order to protect the one he loves. His world is now turned on its head.

Deadshot and Harley Quinn.

Deadshot and

Harley Quinn

The other characters in this Suicide Squad are just ok. You cant really feel to much for them because the film makers didn’t take the time to really flesh out these characters. Killer Croc, Katana, Slipknot, and Dexter Tolliver are just character that seem to come from nowhere. I couldn’t really feel something for them at all. As for El Diablo and Rick Flag, they are just alright and nothing more. Ben Affleck plays a standard issue Batman, nothing special. Yes there are too many characters in this film.

Karen Fukuhara as Katana.


Karen Fukuhara

The film focuses on the concepts of group theory, selfishness, and attachment. So lets talk about group theory. Just like the many armies of the world, there is strength in numbers. An individual is more likely to achieve their goals if they work with others as a team. For Deadshot, his goals are to gain his freedom, be reunited with his daughter, be a good father, and become someone his daughter can be proud of. Deadshot is not helping take down the bad guys because he is good, he is doing this because of his attachment to his family. His ‘selfishness’ is in the form of ‘love’ for his daughter. Love being a far more innocent form of preserving the way he feels rather than a feeling like greed. This shows a depth of character for Deadshot. For Harley, her objectives are more of the same. Her love of her freedom and her love for the joker is what motivates her. Prison is not a place where she can be free. So the key for Amanda Waller ( Viola Davis ) to have these villains do what she wants is leverage. You help me and I will help you, we both get what we want.

The Joker.

The Joker

Being Crazy!

The movie is very fun for all of its short comings. The film did its job well. It told a story while still being entertaining enough for the audience to keep looking at the screen. This is by no means a perfect film at all. Some of these characters are strange and I’m not talking just about the crazy ones. The character Amanda Waller is one tenacious person but she has this crazy idea that she can control these villains. Granted the story has her succeed of course, but her survival feels contrived, like she really should not have lived to see the end of the movie. Throwing the other characters in after the first act is such an armature move to make when creating a film. The first act of this movie is really good. You really feel hooked into the story. The rest of the movie has structural problems in the screen play, but these celebrities bring so much talent and experience to the film that you cant help but like what you see on the screen, even if the story has obvious problems. I really appreciate the hard work that the actors brought to this movie because this film could have just collapsed due to the structural problems alone.

Harley Quinn and Deadshot.



The cinematography is perfect. The director makes good use of all of the space in the frame. There is so much detail fitted into one frame. The use of pans, zoom ins, and zoom outs has a flow to the movie. Since the camera work is so well done, each scene looks very interesting. The films color is a little too drab, but at the same time, draining some of the color from the film makes the comic book characters outfits less ridicules unlike Captain America’s silly and hilarious outfit in the movie Avengers (2012). The directors of the later Captain America film had to change not only the color but the design of his outfit because of how unintentionally hilarious his wardrobe was on screen (please forgive me for mentioning a ‘Marvel’ film while reviewing a DC movie). The lighting is a little too dark at times, but overall not bad. The wardrobe is questionable. Dead shot looks so much better without that helmet. Most films don’t put headwear like that over their actors faces in order to show the emotion that the characters are experiencing in the story. Some of the outfits work well like Harley Quinn’s while others seem a little off and don’t really fit in the world that they are in like Katana’s wardrobe. Set dressing and backgrounds work well.

Suicide Squad Group Theory.

Group Theory

In Action?

So here is a very typical problem that a lot of team based super hero or in this case ‘villain’ movies make, they add way too many characters in the film. Luckily for the Deadpool (2016) movie, the studio could only afford a little bit of characters, which was a blessing in disguise. For Deadpool, there was enough screen time left in the film to develop the characters, which helps the audience to care about them as they go along their journey. Films like X-Men (2000) has way too many characters and not enough screen time to develop them all. Marvels Avengers (2012) is deferent of course with their Phase one movies that develop the characters in stand alone films. It may seem like its not an important detail, but the extra effort to build a quality world and well thought out characters are very much appreciated by the loyal fans of their chosen cinematic universe. This movie was very fun to watch. I was entertained all the way through the film. I really liked this movie, its way better than average.

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