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Star Trek: Discovery

Season: 1

Score: 8/10

Star Trek Discovery.

Star Trek


So I have to say that the first season of this show is better than the first seasons of Voyager and Enterprise. There were a lot of twists and turns this season. The makers of this show are willing to go the distance with star trek. The show pushes the boundaries, some times a little too far.

Michelle Yeoh as Emperor Georgiou.

Emperor Georgiou

Michelle Yeoh

Some fans are not too happy about the vulgar language used in a certain episode of the show and I would have to agree. It just seems a little too trashy when you think about how star trek is the science fiction franchise that sets the standards for not only space drama but technology as we know it. Star trek is the leader, not the follower. So falling into fads and fringe ideas with no consistent philosophy is far beneath the franchise. Star trek deserves better.

The USS Enterprise.

The USS:


The show is getting back to the original star trek time line. The numbers for the show are not where the studio CBS wanted it to be. Making the show fit better into the star trek universe ‘would’ bring back some of the fans the show had lost for being too deferent from the past star trek TV shows. Star trek Voyager was a silly show at times and did not represent the best of the start trek franchise, but the show did fit into the star trek universe. This show ‘Discovery’ is on track to being great, as long as it makes the effort to fit into the star trek universe a little more.

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