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Star Trek: Discovery

Episodes: 1 - 9

Score: 7/10

Star Trek Discovery.

Star Trek


The story so far is good and consistent but definitely lacks the intelligence of the next generations. This feels more like a video game at times. I’m very positive the character Michael Burnham is mentally insane. Her action gets people killed for the most questionable reasons. I don’t like this character because of her impulsive nature. It makes you wonder what the creators of this show was thinking. The ships look as though they are from the DS9 era, which doesn’t makes since when you look at the era of the Constitution class Enterprise ship. I do wish they used phasers and not the arcade game blasters.

Jayne Brook as Admiral Cornwell.

Admiral Cornwell

Jayne Brook

So the issue of the forced salacious activity was something that was already tackled in Star Trek Enterprise with the Vulcan character T’Pol. The forced mind meld. The idea of an alternative preference of gender has already been tackled in DS9 with the character Jadzia Dax. The point is that this show is rehashing old issues from older Star Trek shows while advertising these issues as though they are new. Hardcore trekkies such as my self will spot this in no time flat.

Jason Isaacs as Gabriel Lorca.

Gabriel Lorca

Jason Isaacs

I really hope this show gives us the Romulan Star Empire story line. Star Trek Enterprise was starting to take on that story arc but the show was cancelled before they could film it. Bottom line is that the show is good but I have seen so much of this before. We had Kathryn Janeway as a female Captain and Admiral. Benjamin Sisko as the African -American lead. This show now needs to focus on the Romulan story so that there is a proper hand off to the Original Series. I am so happy Star Trek is not making movies any more. This is a franchise that belongs in episodic form. I’m very hopeful so far.

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