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Dichen Lachman

Character: Sierra

Dichen Lachman as Sierra.


Dichen Lachman

Sierra has one of the most malicious and sinister story lines on TV. Its messed up really. Sierra started out as a freelance artist helping her friend sale trinkets on Venice beach. A rich stalker is harassing her at every turn. She rejects him but he is the type that will not take no for an answer, so he has her turned into a Dollhouse Active to act as his girl friend. The personnel at the Dollhouse have no idea what he was really up to. Sierra’s goal is to get revenge for what he has done to her. Sierra is the guns blazing type just like the terminator. She is another weapon just like Echo. The rich stalker has no idea what he has actually done. Sierra now has all the skills necessary to get her revenge imprinted into her mind sealing his doom.

Sierra and Echo.


and Echo

She deals with issues such as post traumatic stress and growth. There is a whole lot of psychological issues that the Dollhouse tries to ‘fix’ using their unethical technology. She leans on her follow Actives in order to stay grounded as much as possible. She learns how to leverage the help of the Dollhouse personnel to help her when they them selves wouldn’t normally do such a thing for an Active. She learns how to master social engineering to achieve her goals all the while appearing completely innocent.

Dichen Lachman.

Well done!

Dichen Lachman!

Dichen Lachman does a solid job as Sierra. She puts a lot of herself into this role and she is a very convincing actress. Its kind of a tough role for an actress to play, but Dichen Lachman was definitely up for the challenge.

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