Picture of Mila Kunis.

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Character: Yoko Kayabuki


Yoko Kayabuki

Japanese Prime Minister

She stands her ground in a world dominated by men. Her leadership, calm, collective, and intelligent demeanor sets the stage for maintaining a balance in the society in which she influences. She is the newly elected prime minister of Japan.

Kuze and the Major.


with Politicians

She learns very fast how sneaky the politicians in the Japanese government can be in this fictional world. Being the first female prime minister, she faces unique challenges. She does not have a lot of people that can sympathize with her situation. Unfortunately for her, she gets caught up in a sinister plot that shakes the foundation of her leadership and if she can maintain her position in the Japanese government.

Kuze in Action.

Hang in there

Yoko Kayabuki

Yoko is not bad as a character. Sometimes you wonder who’s side she is really on.

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