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Character: Kuze



the Individual Eleven

Honestly his story is strange. Its not dissimilar from the Laughing Man’s story, but what he is doing can get a lot of innocent people killed and for this reason, its very hard to sympathize with him and this Individual Eleven rhetoric.

Kuze and the Major.


and The Major

This guys mouth does not move and his face is almost always stiff, making him one hell of a tough poker player. He walks around with a sword like he is Connor MacLeod from the movie Highlander (1986), slicing off heads. This comes off as really strange since its completely off beat with the whole TV series.

Kuze in Action.


in Action

He is not as smart as the Kuze from the live action Scarlett Johansson movie. This Kuze does a lot of nefarious actions but it becomes questionable when he talks to the Major about his motives to the point that even he questions why he is doing the things he is doing. Some may think that the complexities of his story is genius at the same time, it feels like a lesser copy of the Laughing Man’s story, the ‘Second Gig’ if you will.

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