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Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

Score: 6/10

Blade Runner 2049 movie poster.

Blade Runner 2049

Ana de Armast

Synopsis: A young blade runner's discovery of a long-buried secret leads him to track down a former blade runner named Rick Deckard ( Harrison Ford ), who’s been missing for thirty years.

Review: A new blade runner named ‘K’ ( Ryan Gosling ) learns the truth about his species ‘the replicants‘. He finds out that one of them has the ability to get pregnant. His commanding officer orders him to find the child. Should the child still be alive, he is ordered to eliminate it in order to prevent a human up rising against the replicants.

Harrison Ford as Rick Deckard .

Rick Deckard

Harrison Ford

Harrison Ford seems to be going back into franchises that he has played in before such as Star Wars the Force Awakens (2015) and this film. I will also acknowledge Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) ( a failed attempt ). For the most part its working, although many people wonder if it is necessary for him to go back into some of these sequels. I personally don’t mind it at all. As for his performance, it works as well. Ryan Gosling does well in this film. There are subtle details in his performance as the replicant ‘K’. He slightly smiles, just a little bit throughout the first half of the film. When he thinks that he is the ‘born’ child based on an examined memory, he no longer has his smile. This shows the audience the change in his character without the post traumatic baseline test. Literally all of the actors are very well cast and do very well in this movie.

Sylvia Hoeks as Luv.


Sylvia Hoeks

This film feels very similar to Ghost in the Shell (2017), in fact most people who didn’t like that film probably wont like this film either. I heard a lot of viewers who said that they were not impressed by the camera flying around a cyber punk city in Ghost in the Shell and that the film was boring. Basically, If you like AI and cyborg like humanoids, than you might like this film. It interesting that these two movies where released in he same year. Unfortunately it was not a good year for those films.

Ryan Gosling as K.


Ryan Gosling

The film focuses on the concept of humanism. What does it mean to be human and what does it mean to live? This question was elaborated on with the character ‘Data’ in Star Trek the Next Generations. As with the film Ghost in the shell (2017), this film is very dark and gritty. The problem is that this concept has been done to death. I mean it. So many deferent science fiction TV shows and movies have already covered this to the point where if you were to put this concept into your own form of media, you are almost destined to fail with today’s science fiction audience. Rehashing something that has already been done better by another TV show or movie is one of the reasons why the Star Gate Universe TV show was canceled. If we film critics have learned anything, the year 2017 have taught us that films like this do not seem to work anymore. Hopefully a visionary director and screenwriter can change that, but for the foreseeable future, these kind of film are not a good investment unfortunately.

Blade Runner 2049 is Passable.

Passable Film

Not bad

The cinematography is done well. The lighting is too dark at times. The set dressing, backgrounds, and wardrobe are done well. The color is very drab and grey which may come off as depressing to some people. In fact, some people who have seen the film The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013), felt that the scenes of Dol Guldur was way too depressing and dark. That was the point of the scenes but some viewers really do not want to see something like that, even if that is the point. Making your whole film a very dark and drab color has its consequences. The lighting and color has a real effect on how the movie audience feels about your film after walking out of the theater. This is a true sequel that really does continue the story from the first film. The movie is very high quality. The problems with the movie shows in the form of the lack of engaging story elements. The film is boring. It feels empty. I really don’t like saying that because a movie in general should not have to have loads of ‘action’ in order to make the film interesting. The movie just feels empty like it leaves something to be desired. Bottom line is that he film is good but only to an audience that liked the first film. The movie is middle of the road at best.

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