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Bradley James

Character: Arthur

Bradley James as Arthur.


Bradley James

This version of Arthur is more developed than the one from Starz Camelot since this show BBC Merlin lasted longer. He has more character development in the form of him being a young, snobby, bratty, know it all young man into an actual man who takes responsibility for his actions and protects even the weakest person of his father‘s kingdom, into King Arthur Pendragon ruler of Camelot. He sets the example of a strong man who is not afraid to show his emotions. He is very much human and imperfect.

Katie McGrath Morgana.

Well Done!


Arthur represents change from the old way to the new. He is the hope that the old way will be left in the past. He gives people hope and pride. I love the fact that Arthur is always learning about the world around him. He changes into the King we want to see.

Katie McGrath.

Thank You!

Bradley James!

Bradley James does a good job as Arthur. We get to see a character fully develop in this series. Well done.

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